Did You Know These? Did you know that yoga is not only beneficial for you mentally and physically, but also helps with common digestive disorders that we often encounter nowadays?

I would like to share with you the article by Assoc. Prof. Reşat Memişoğlu on this subject. We want.
Yoga is a great adjunct therapeutic method for patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is possible.
A pilot clinical study revealed the following about yoga. It has been placed:
Yoga is a feasible and safe supplement for IBS. Leave a comment.
Yoga has helped reduce stress and enhance the ability to manage physical symptoms of IBS. has improved.
Final result Criteria

The primary outcome criteria are applicability and acceptance It was editable.
Secondary outcome measures examine changes in disease severity and gut inflammation, as well as assessing the pre- and post-change in clinical efficacy by looking at six wellness criteria. evaluated.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease that includes Crohn's disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). It is a disease.
Disease flare-ups are characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, urgency to defecate, and weight loss, especially. It is a slimming product.
Reducing stress is critical in improving the quality of life for IBD patients. It could be.
Patients may benefit from some complementary and alternative medical therapies (e.g. mind-body therapy). is using.

Yoga is a mental and physical discipline that originated in India and has potential as a stress management intervention. is carrying.
Yoga facilitates health and well-being through various biopsychosocial processes, such as physiological changes (e.g., decreased sympathetic nervous system activity, stress response) and increased parasympathetic nervous system activity (e.g., relaxation response), involving physical postures, breath control, and meditation. combines.
Yoga is being researched as an additional therapeutic method to improve abdominal pain, anxiety, and quality of life in adults with IBS, holding promise for reducing symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in pediatric patients. It has done.
There is an overlap in the symptoms of IBD-IBS. Therefore, a therapy that may be beneficial for IBS patients can also have positive effects in children with IBD. Can create.
Associate Professor Dr. Reşat Memişoğlu
Associate Professor at Université de Sherbrooke Gastroenterology-Hepatology