Counting Calories While Losing Weight!

The phenomenon we call calories is actually the vital energy it provides to our body and organs after consuming food. When determining the calorie need, especially the body size of the person, tolerance (the ability of the person to digest and use the food taken), the amount of energy spent from daily activities should be evaluated.

Before talking about counting calories, it is necessary to address what calories are.


Before talking about counting calories, it is necessary to address what calories are. 

The phenomenon we call calories is actually the vital energy it provides to our body and organs after consuming food. When determining the calorie need, especially the body size of the person, tolerance (the ability of the person to digest and use the food taken), the amount of energy spent from daily activities should be evaluated. 

Calorie needs can be determined by considering all of these criteria. Adequate nutrition can be summarized as adequate intake of energy, nutrients and other bioactive substances required by the body, balanced nutrition, balanced consumption of nutrients according to each other and in meals, and healthy nutrition; It can be summarized as making appropriate choices and appropriate consumption of foods with the awareness that foods can become harmful to health during the production, storage, preparation and cooking stages.

Macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats, are very important at this point when evaluating calorie amounts. These nutrients should be consumed in a balanced and appropriate way. In addition, while macronutrients are measured in grams, micronutrients should be evaluated in milligrams or smaller. When evaluating calories, we should not overlook the need for vitamins, minerals, favorite and indispensable foods, and one of the most important things, water consumption. Water consumption is the most important factor to keep our tissues and organs working without taking in any calories.


Turkey's best wellness clinic Vitalica Bodrum and Estethica Vitalica Ataşehir, which is located in Turkey's best wellness clinic Vitalica Bodrum and Estethica Vitalica Ataşehir, allows our tissues and organs to work much more effectively, while accelerating our metabolism and strengthening the immune system, thanks to the ozone sauna, the water we drink reaches our cells and increases activation. 

The regular functioning of the body, maintaining its temperature, and ensuring mobility are ensured by the appropriate amount of energy. There must be a balance between the energy received and the energy spent. If the intake is less than the expenditure, there is no development at the desired level and weight remains very low compared to height. If the intake is more than the expenditure, obesity may develop. Both inadequate and excessive intake of energy can cause major health problems. The energy intake of individuals may vary depending on factors such as age, body composition, body size, environmental temperature, disease status, and physical activity.



When we think in plain logic, mathematically, to lose weight, of course, the calories we take should be less than we spend. However, the right strategy; whether it is a mathematical calculation is debatable. Although the idea of losing weight by creating a calorie deficit may seem correct on the surface, it is not a method that works when it turns into practice. The total amount of calories taken in with food, basal metabolism (resting metabolism, i.e. the person's min. 12 hours of rest, the amount of energy required for the healthy functioning of the organs only) and the amount of energy spent outside the rest period (walking, physical activity, mental activity, etc.) should be less. 

Obviously, we are looking at the overall picture and missing the part we need to focus on. This is not to take into account the nutrient groups and nutritional values of foods rather than their calories. Counting calories as a math process without looking at the content of foods is not only not correct, but also unhealthy. It is very important not to overlook the calorie content of liquid foods. Calories in liquid foods are often skipped, they do not provide satiety for a long time because they do not contain nutrients such as fiber, protein and fat, and they contribute to unnecessary calorie intake. For example, while a 300-calorie fruit-flavored carbonated drink is in the 300-calorie band, a fibrous fruit such as a banana consumed in an amount equivalent to 300 calories will not provide the same satiety.  
In addition, a person may take in too few calories from the wrong foods and trigger fat formation. Each calorie intake does not work in the same mechanism in the body. This will lead to the undesirable result that the proteins taken in are not only effective in increasing muscle groups and that excessive protein intake will cause weight gain by accumulating in adipose tissues.


Now let's think about it; let's assume a chicken with vegetables baked with olive oil on one side and a chip containing trans fat on the other side... even if consumed in amounts that correspond to the same calories, do you think the effect on our body is the same?

When you eat a diet high in refined sugars and white flour, you get hungry more quickly because these nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly, so you may experience bingeing episodes and feel more tired overall. Trans fats, also called trans fatty acids, threaten health by affecting bad cholesterol.  By eating this way all the time, you will not get the nutrients your body needs. Moreover, you will not see the physical contraction you want.

What matters is the effect on the body rather than the calories we eat. 
If we see diet not as a restrictive "regime" but as a "balance", we can adopt a sustainable and healthy eating habit by choosing among the options that contain only the elements that will meet our hunger / satiety signals and nutritional needs, without limiting ourselves. Instead of maintaining a restrictive behavior such as calorie counting, it will be much more permanent to ensure portion control by making healthy food choices that are suitable for you. Vitalica Wellness Bodrum, the best wellness center in Turkey, is not just a detox center, weight loss camp or yoga camp, it is the right address for physical and spiritual purification. In Turkey's best detox clinic, you can meet the best version of yourself with our wellness programs that prioritize your holistic health, planned according to the nutritional and vitamin needs of each of our guests, without stressful thoughts such as counting calories in your mind or whether I ate healthy foods or whether I have lost the thread. 

If you want to renew yourself in our wellness center where your needs will be met while you live in the moment, instead of stressing with calorie counting, our doors are open to everyone. The most suitable wellness program, which will be specially consulted for our guests, is determined within the needs of our guests with the guidance of our expert staff. After the most suitable wellness program is determined, your meals and detox contents planned specifically for your needs are served in the most comfortable way while you enjoy the moment. The peaceful and healing atmosphere of Vitalica wellness Bodrum, Turkey's best wellness center, will allow you to focus on the moment at this point.

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