Each recipe prepared in the Vitalica Wellness kitchen is prepared to help you maximise your nutritional quality and introduce new eating habits into your life by adopting the philosophy of "Let your food be your medicine, your medicine be your food". Meet activated, health-promoting organic superfoods! Designed by specialised doctors and nutritionists in the light of modern nutrition research. Detox meals contain easily digestible portions that ensure you get the nutrients your body needs in the right amount and at the right time to maintain and improve health and quality of life. In addition to essential macro- and micronutrients, they provide you with health-promoting organic superfoods activated with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Embark on a journey to create the best version of yourself physically and mentally!

In the Vitalica Wellness kitchen, your vitamin, mineral and antioxidant needs are optimally met through detox drinks and herbs. Vegan and cooked foods help your digestive system and body to relax. You will be full of health with the careful and elegant presentations of our recipes prepared with the colorful healthy foods of the season.