I am sure that all of you have caught yourself at least once in your life complaining to your environment; "I feel tired all the time, I can't lift my arm, no matter how much I sleep, I feel very low energy and I can never rest"?
Or when you look at yourself with mindfulness, have you noticed that you have become very intolerant of people, that you get angry very easily, that you constantly feel inadequate and inadequate in your work life and in your social life, whatever you do?
If you feel these symptoms, it means that Burnout Syndrome is knocking at your door olabilir
We say it can happen because you need to feel or experience these feelings more than normal in a day for Burnout Syndrome. Otherwise, if the symptoms we shared above are felt in normal processes in life, there is no need to label yourself immediately.
Burnout Syndrome was first defined by Herbert Freudenberger in 1974 as failure, emotional exhaustion, desensitization to the events and people around them, and reduction of internal resources as a result of unsatisfied demands in individuals who are in close contact with people. Depression and burnout syndrome can often be confused with each other, whereas depression can be defined as spending most of the day in emotional depression for at least six days.
While depression requires professional support and treatment, burnout syndrome can be managed and prevented by individuals on their own with the right practices.
Burnout syndrome does not just appear out of nowhere, waiting for you when you wake up one morning.
It is very possible to experience burnout syndrome as a result of being systematically exposed to excessive stress, negative emotions or psychological violence over a period of time. Or a situation that you experienced years ago in your professional, private or social life that negatively affected you can be repeated after a while, and as a result of cumulative experiences, burnout syndrome can say hello to you. Since it is a very slowly progressing syndrome, it is often not possible to recognize and get support right at the beginning.
After reminding you a little bit about its physical and mental symptoms, we will be sharing how you can cope with this syndrome after making "wellness" practices and treatments your way of life, and most importantly, how you can prevent this syndrome.
If we look at the physical symptoms;
* Palpitations
*Decrease or Increase in Appetite
*Sleep Disorder
*Feeling of Chronic Fatigue
*High Blood Pressure
*Digestive Problems

What about the symptoms that will affect our mental health?
*A chronic feeling of boredom
*A feeling of helplessness in every situation
*Feeling constantly unsuccessful and inadequate
*Focus Problem
*Decreased self-esteem
*Feeling constantly tense
*Anxiety Disorder
*Withdrawal and inability to enjoy life
*Pessimism about the future and the present moment
Finally, we would like to mention that the environment can also be a negative factor. If negative comments from our environment affect us more than normal, you are at the beginning of burnout syndrome. However, the environment does not change, we must protect ourselves and we are responsible for taking good care of ourselves.
As Vitalica Wellness, we care about the burnout syndrome that many people have experienced in recent years due to life conditions. In fact, we can say that the biggest reason why we added Mindfulness Yoga and Breathing to our detox programs last year was the individuals who were exposed to this syndrome.
As we mentioned in our previous articles, stress is caused by an increase in the hormone cortisol in our body. And just at this time, the nervous system switches to the sympathetic nervous system and switches to fight and flight mode. While the body is in this mode; it can rapidly gain weight and experience anxiety problems.
Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutras; "In the self where there is nonviolence, all negativity disappears.
If we look at our lives in the light of this saying; the kinder we are to ourselves, the kinder life will be to us. Be sure to try this, believe me, it happens. And if we want to prevent the chaos and stress that develops in our business life and social life outside of ourselves, we must first solve the chaos within ourselves.
At Vitalica Wellness, our biggest goal is to contribute to making wellness a way of life with every application, treatment method and diet we offer to our guests.

We can guarantee that you can overcome burnout syndrome with the Mindfulness Yoga and Breathing program at Vitalica Wellness. Yes, you read that wrong, we can guarantee it. Because we aim to help you regain both your physical and mental health with the treatment contents we have carefully prepared by targeting this syndrome. Every application we offer you has been experienced one-to-one by both our yoga, meditation teachers and our wellness doctor and positive results have been observed.
And you can leave Burnout Syndrome outside your door by taking at least 30 minutes a day for yourself.
What can you do in this minimum 30 minutes?
*You can do Breath Work. The breathing exercises you learn at Vitalica Wellness will make your morning enjoyable for you.
*You can incorporate regular meditation into your life, starting with five or ten minutes. You are very lucky, meditation is not an action but a state, a state that is actually experienced. We share the details of this with special Mindful Therapy sessions.
*Regular yoga sessions. You can prevent emotional blockages in your body with yoga poses (asana).
*Sound Healing, also known as Sound Therapy. It is a very effective method for your transition to deep relaxation and parasympathetic nervous system by activating the vagus nerve. However, you will need a professional trainer as it will be difficult to do it yourself at home.
*Massage therapies. You can achieve an effective result with regular Shiodora, Reflexology, Marma Joint massage sessions, which have proven to be effective especially on anxiety, insomnia and anxiety.
*Our last but most effective suggestion is Mindful lifestyle. If we can bring the state of watching ourselves by taking a step back from whatever you are doing into our lives, you will see that you can make much healthier decisions. Approaching yourself first with an open, non-judgmental awareness is the most important step of this lifestyle.
Believe me, it is not very difficult to cope with Burnout Syndrome, the most inevitable syndrome of our age.
We can remove burnout syndrome from your life together at Vitalica Wellness, which is waiting for you in Bodrum, the seventh blue zone region.