Sirt Nutrition What is the Well Aging Detox Program?

The answer to these questions is healthy and well aging programs. The main philosophy of Well Aging is to ensure that the process called 'old age' is healthy, active and happy. As Vitalica Wellness, we, in the Well Aging Program, take this philosophy in a holistic way and aim to regulate the biological events that cause aging, reduce the mental problems that come with aging, protect against diseases that may occur in old age and eliminate the deformations caused by this process in our body.
In our Well Aging Detox Program, in addition to our approach aiming at lifestyle change, we bring together the methods of modern and complementary medicine, interval sports activities, mental therapies, wellness therapies and beauty-related applications with a multidisciplinary approach at the same point; while providing physical, mental and spiritual purification, we also share the secret of youth with you. In the peaceful, stress-free and healing atmosphere of Vitalica Wellness, you can start to renew and revitalize your body by limiting calorie intake, consuming foods containing SIRT proteins beneficial for health; strengthening the immune, hormone and digestive systems.
We recommend you to be at Vitalica Wellness for a minimum of 3 days in the Well Aging Detox Program. Of course, we would like to add that you can achieve the best results from all our programs by staying with us for a minimum of 7 days. We have prepared the diet in our Well Aging Detox Program as two separate steps;
In the first step, you take your morning and evening meal as a SIRT drink prepared with a special recipe, and you consume your lunch as a healthy meal prepared with foods containing SIRT protein.
In the second step, you will receive your meals carefully prepared with foods containing SIRT protein in the morning and evening meals, and you will be served with your SIRT drink at lunch.
Benefits of the Well Aging Program
The Well Aging Program brings together the methods of modern and complementary medicine, sports activities, mental therapies, wellness therapies and beauty practices with a multidisciplinary approach.
- Strengthen immunity,
- to achieve a balanced lifestyle in terms of cardiovascular health,
- to restore hormone balance,
- ensure weight management and remove the body's effects against aging,
It is one of the first benefits of the Well Aging Program.

Who can do the Well Aging Detox Program?
As Vitalica Wellness, we offer a journey where you will learn and discover how to live the best of aging.
The Well Aging Program is designed for people who want to be prepared for every effect that reaching old age has on the body, whether hormonal, mental or physical. Since aging does not occur in the same way in every person, the processes and needs differ. Due to the tailor-made programs, it is suitable for anyone over the age of 50 who wants to stop or mitigate the effects of aging.
In addition, thanks to its AMPK enzyme activity, it can be used as a supportive treatment in diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cancer. The system that keeps our body in balance is the hormone system. Hormones control everything from heart health to immune boosting; from physical performance to anti-aging effects on the skin.
For years, scientists thought that hormone levels declined as people aged. Today, it is accepted that people age because the body's production of hormones decreases and hormone levels in the blood drop. The decline in hormones starts in the 30s and becomes more pronounced in the 50s. By the age of 40, the level of most hormones in the blood drops.
In particular, melatonin, DHEA, growth hormone, estrogen and testosterone - the so-called youth hormones - decrease significantly. Most people aged 65 and over have little or no growth hormone.
What are the Factors Accelerating Aging?
- We can undoubtedly say STRESS in the first place.
- Insufficient Sleep or Sleep Disorders,
- Excessive or Insufficient Food Consumption,
- Smoking, Alcohol, Drug Consumption,
- Disorders in Hormone Systems, Environmental Pollution,
- Inadequate consumption of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,

- Excessive Exercise or Insufficient Physical Activity,
Scientific research shows that genetics have approximately 30% influence on longevity and health. Lifestyle and environmental factors affect aging by 70%.
This means that we can prevent a large part of aging by changing our lifestyle. We cannot change our chronological age, but we can change our biological age and stay young. Aging does not occur at the same rate and intensity in every person.
The severity and speed of aging determines biological age. Biological age is determined by parameters such as hormone levels, vitamin-mineral status, bone density, respiratory capacity and individual fitness. As Vitalica Wellness, we take all these factors into consideration and we have developed a program consisting of 7 basic goals
We created the Well Aging detox program.
1. Protecting Cardiovascular Health
2. Establishing the Right Hormone Balance
3. Supporting Metabolism with Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals
4. Strengthening Weakened Immunity
5. Stop Body Deformations
6. Making Healthy Living a Lifestyle
7. Achieving a Healthy Weight Goal
If you are aiming for a healthy age, your place is always ready at Vitalica Wellness with the Well Aging program.