Importance of Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal Health

Within the scope of physiotherapy applications, Vitalica Wellness provides therapies that will relax your musculoskeletal system and offer solutions to your ailments, accompanied by expert physiotherapists.

Within the scope of physiotherapy applications, Vitalica Wellness provides therapies that will relax your musculoskeletal system and offer solutions to your ailments, accompanied by expert physiotherapists.

Blue Zone

Within the scope of physiotherapy applications, Vitalica Wellness provides therapies that will relax your musculoskeletal system and offer solutions to your ailments, accompanied by expert physiotherapists.

Manual therapy, which is one of the most effective applications in the field of physiotherapy, is a treatment method in which the hands are used depending on certain rules and maneuvers. Manual therapy applied in the treatment of pain and dysfunction in the spine and joints consists of manipulation techniques known as mobilization and cracking. This treatment method should be applied by physicians and physiotherapists who have received special training, otherwise it may cause negative results.

The purpose of manual therapy;

  • Pain relief effect by increasing endorphin secretion,
  • Activation of the sympathetic nervous system,
  • Loosening of tissues such as muscle and fascia,
  • To ensure the regulation of movement functions.

Manual therapy is very effective in fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement syndrome, back-neck pain and hernia, jaw joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis and calcification problems. The treatment program differs for acute pain that lasts up to 14 days and chronic pain that lasts more than 30 days.

At Vitalica Wellnes, we offer conservative treatments such as exercise and training program in support of manual therapy. Graston therapydry needling and kinesio tape applications are effective physical therapy applications within Vitalica Wellness. The Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy known as instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization.

It is applied using titanium instruments specially designed for different parts of the body. The aim of the technique is to provide soft tissue mobilization by opening scar (adherent) tissues and increasing circulation. Graston massage is especially preferred to increase the mobility of the fascia and to treat tears or injuries in muscle, tendon and soft tissue. The Graston technique is often used by physiotherapists as a treatment support. There are 6 basic tools used in the Graston Technique.

These tools are made of stainless steel. It has rounded edges and is not sharp. Each tool has a different effect on the area of use and tissue in the body. Slipperiness is obtained by applying cream or massage oil on the soft tissue to be treated. Then, special techniques and angles are massaged on the tissue with special graston instruments.

Meeting of Vitalica Wellness and Aegean Climate

Microtrauma occurs in the massaged soft tissue. Increases blood circulation and circulation. In this way, the healing process of the tissue is started. The application is supported by other manual therapy methods and exercises.

  • The blood circulation in the applied area increases, the recovery is accelerated.
  • It is effective in dispersing the regional edema that occurs after injury.
  • It quickly repairs the muscle shortness that occurs in athletes and allows them to reach their normal angle.
  • It ensures that the limited muscle movements that occur as a result of injury return to their former functions.

Dry needle therapy, also known as intramuscular stimulation (IMS), is a non-surgical and drug-free pain treatment method that was first applied in Canada and is applied in the treatment of pain due to chronic musculoskeletal diseases. Dry needle treatment, which is applied with thin and various lengths of needles, relaxes the muscle contractions that cause pain in people by giving a warning with the help of needles. The needles used are called dry needle therapy because they do not contain any drugs or solutions and do not cause allergic reactions, drug interactions and side effects from the drug. Very thin special needles of different lengths are used, known as acupuncture needles. The needle is inserted into the "trigger" or "trigger points", also known as fibrositis or fibrous tape, which cause pain in the muscles. In this way, it is aimed to resolve the spasm (muscle shortening) and tissue stiffness in the muscle that causes pain. The patient usually does not feel the needle. Although the needles used in the treatment of dry needle (IMS) are acupuncture needles, dry needle treatment is not an acupuncture method.

In acupuncture, needles are inserted into certain previously known points and waited for a period of 20 minutes, while in dry needle treatment, the points that cause pain are determined and needles are inserted at different depths into these points and removed immediately or the relaxation effect is expected for a very short time. Kinozio Tape (Kinesiotape) provides support to the flexibility and (flexibility) and structural properties of the fascia without restricting joint movement, unlike standard bandaging.

By providing a traction effect in the applied area, that is, by lifting the skin a little, it relieves the pressure in the tissue and supports the increase of blood and lymph circulation. Thanks to this effect on the circulatory system, it reduces inflammation and edema, and thus supports the reduction of pain.

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