In recent days, especially in Istanbul, we have been hearing about many people experiencing COVID-19 again, albeit in a milder form.

Attention!! Post-COVID is Back on Our Agenda
In recent days, especially in Istanbul, we have been hearing about many people experiencing COVID-19 again, albeit in a milder form. In fact, as the Vitalica Wellness team, we can even say that we are entering a period where the sales graph of our Post-COVID program, which we developed during the COVID period, is rising once again.
What is the Post-COVID Program?

The program focuses on strengthening immunity, lung cleansing, and memory restoration. It was specially designed for Vitalica Wellness guests to minimize the damage left by the infection on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as neurological and psychological complications in people who have had COVID-19. For those who have not contracted COVID-19, it aims to strengthen immunity and enhance the body’s defense against the virus.
Benefits of the Post-COVID Program
While purifying your body from COVID-19, it brings the balance of body, mind, and spirit, which is essential for healthy living. It prevents complications such as shortness of breath, decreased oxygen saturation, low or high blood pressure, palpitations, fever, fatigue, chest pain, severe cough, blurred vision, dizziness, sweating, imbalance, headache, and other symptoms observed in 80% of those who have had COVID-19. The program helps return the body, tissues, organs, and systems to their pre-COVID healthy state, restoring overall health.
Who is the Post-COVID Program Suitable For?

People who have had COVID-19 can join this type of program to cope with some lingering symptoms and support the full recovery process.
What Awaits You in the Post-COVID Program?
Of course, you don't have to have had COVID-19 to benefit from the program. If you smoke or have any issues with your upper respiratory tract, we are waiting for you at Vitalica Wellness to help you relax and regain your health.